Ибицадагы виллалар | Ибица аралында ижарага жана бассейнге салынган үйлөр жана виллалар.

Smart Working Ибицада

Since the start of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic, more people is getting used to working from home and while Social distancing is still in force and many countries have adopted severe restrictions that affect the mobility of their citizens to avoid the spread of the virus, most of them are starting to think about a change in their lives until the situation clears up.

There are various reasons that push towards a change, from concerns about the virus, to a desire to achieve a better work/life balance. Remote working seemed a necessity at the beginning, but now has turned to a choice.

So if you’re one of these people, why don’t you pack up your home office and work remotely from Ibiza ? If you come from any of the EU countries, the rules are relatively straightforward, you have the right to live and work anywhere in the European Economic Area (EEA).

The crisis in the tourism sector due to the pandemic has meant that many Ibiza owners who never considered renting their houses during the winter months, have put their villas and apartments on the temporary rental market in winter. So currently, you can find properties with really convenient prices, you can rent a villa in the country, with all possible comforts at 2,500 euro / month, expenses included.
же 4 bedroom flat in the city center at 1.600 euro/month.

If you don’t know where to start, there are agencies that for a fee, they plan all the logistics and provide everything you need to embrace the change, from your flights to connecting you with locals and planning activities on the island.

But if you prefer to do it on your own and only need a bit of advice, contact us and tell us your plan, we’ll be happy to help you !


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Блог, Magazine, Ибица үчүн кеңештер

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Байланыш маалымат

Бул издөө кутучасын жабуу.
Ижарага алуу аянты боюнча


  • Es Cubells
  • Кала Джундал
  • Сан-Хосе
  • Кала тирамису
  • Кала Басса
  • Saint Jordi


  • Абердин
  • Санта Эулария
  • Таламанка
  • Иса
  • Сан-Карлос-
  • Es Canar


  • Сан-Антонио
  • Кала Салада
  • Санта Инес
  • San Mateu
  • Кала Грасио


  • С. Гертрудис
  • San Rafael


  • San Miguel
  • San Vicente
  • Сан-Хуан
  • San Lorenzo
Безымянный-1_Монтажная область 1_Монтажная область 1_Монтажная область 1_Монтажная область 1_Монтажная область 1_Монтажная область 1_Монтажная облус 1

Бул сайт биздин сайттан мыкты тажрыйбасын камсыз кылуу үчүн кукилерди колдонот.